Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry
Date:7th OCTOBER 2022
Resource persons:
Dr.Syeda Subia Sara
SENIOR LECTURER, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry
Navodaya Dental College ,RAICHUR
Objective: The program was conducted to understand  that Pulpectomies can treat primary teeth with dead pulp or permanent teeth with infected pulp or abscesses. This procedure involves removing all the contents of the tooth’s inner chamber, and the goal is to clean the entire root canal to protect it from further infection.
Post event feedback:
- The participants understood that A Pulpectomy is indicated in a primary tooth with irreversible pulpitis or necrosis or a tooth treatment planned for pulpotomy in which the radicular pulp exhibits clinical signs of irreversible pulpitis.
- The participants understood several advantages can be achieved with Pulpectomy on primary teeth has a high success rate in preventing the spread of bacterial infection and necrosis to nearby teeth. Avoidance of tooth loss is achieved, as well as providing immediate pain relief.