Dr. Suga Reddy

Dr. G Durga Prasad

Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Dr. Shreya Hunakunti

Dr. B Mamatha

Dr. Suga Reddy
Professor & Head
- B.D.S: HKE’S Dental college, Gulbarga, Gulbarga university, Gulbarga, 1994
- M.D.S: PMNM Dental College, Bagalkot, RGUHS, Bangalore, 2001
EXPERIENCE: (21 yrs 3 months)
- PMNMÂ Â Dental College, Bagalkot, RGUHS, Bangalore from 20-04-2001 to 30-04-2011.
- Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 02-07-2011 to till date, 10 Years.
- A simple, efficient and effective method of molar distalization using NiTi coil springsInternational journal of dental clinics 2011; 3 (4) 15-16.
- A clinically Customized bracket Positioning device, Journal of Indian Orthodontic society 2010; 44(4):152-154.
- Comparative evaluation of conventional acid etch technique and air abrasion technique for enamel preparation prior to adhesive bonding: An in vitro study. Dental dialogue 2011; 37(2)67-70.
- Medico-legal aspects of orthodontic treatment, and basic guidelines in clinical practice.RGUHS J Dent. Sciences 2011; 3(4):102-110.
- Orthodontic camouflage treatment in an adult patient with a class II, Division 1 malocclusion – A case report. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2012.
- Diagnostic limitations of cephalometrics in orthodontics – A review. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2012; 3(1):30-35.
- To determine the prevalence rate of malocclusion among 12 to 14 year old schoolchildren of urban Indian population (Bagalkot). Journal of contemporary Dental practice 2012; 13(3):320-325.
- Orthodontic treatment: Need and demand in north Karnataka school children. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2014; 8(5):37-42.
- A rare of the rarest: Congenital agenesis of all permanent canines with other dental anomaly. International Journal of Dental case Reports, September 2014, Vol.4, No.3, 19-24.
- Supernumerary tooth associated Oligodontium : A case report. International Journal of Dental case Reports, September 2014, Vol.4, No.4, 32-36.
- Comparison of enamel surface roughness before bonding and after debonding by diamond, tungsten carbide and fiber reinforced composite burs under AFM an in vitro study .Indian Journal of Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics 2018;4(3):151-5.
- Evaluation of Antimicrobial Property of an Orthodontic Adhesive Combined With Gluteraldehyde at Different Concentrations: an In Vitro Study. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research 2019;2(4):265-70.
- A simple clinical innovation-The TMJ sound tracker. International journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research(IJDSIR)
- S-SPYnometer for cant. International journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research(IJDSIR)
- An in vitro atomic force microscopic study:comparative evaluation of enamel surface damage during clean up procedures after debonding with and without dental loupes under varying light intensities. International Journal Of Current Advanced Research
- An invitro evaluation of corrosion of stainless steel orthodontic brackets by change in mass: Influence of different toothpastes. International Journal Of Current Advanced Research
- Journey of nanoparticles in orthodontics. International journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research(IJDSIR)
- Digi Analysi  ,static and dynamic evaluation of facial asymmetry and mandibular deviation. International journal of current advanced research.
- Manuscript. International journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research(IJDSIR)
CDE/Seminar/ Conference/ Symposia Workshop, etc.,
- 33rd Indian Orthodontic conference, Indian Orthodontic Society, Manipal, Held at Manipal on 8-11th Oct,1998,
- Orthodontic Post Graduate Convention, Indian Orthodontic Society,Bapuji Dental College, Davangere, Held at Bapuji Dental College, Davangere, on 22nd-24 th January,1999
- 34 th Indian Orthodontic conference, Indian Orthodontic Society, Held on 1st, 2nd, 3 rd Oct. 1999, at Bangalore.
- 34 th Indian Orthodontic conference, Indian Orthodontic Society., Held on 1st, 2nd, 3rd Oct 1999, at Bangalore.
- Hands on Course on Modern Dental Materials, Indian Dental Association ,Bagalkot Branch and 3M, Held at BVV Sangha’s P.M.N.M. Dental College, Bagalkot on 11 th December, 2001.
- Lecture and Demonstration on Rotary Instrumentation in Endodontics, IDA,Bagalkot Branch, Held at BVV Sangha’s P.M.N.M. Dental College ,Bagalkot on 30 th January,2002
- Karnataka State Dental Conference, IDA,Dakshina Kannada District Branch, Held at Mangalore on 8th -10th November 2002
- Symposium on Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics, Indian Dental Association ,Bagalkot Branch, Held at BVV Sangha’s P.M.N.M. Dental College ,Bagalkot on 1-2ND June 2003
- 38 th Indian Orthodontic conference. Indian Orthodontic Society, Coimbatore., Held at Coimbatore on 2-5th October, 2003.
- 39th Indian Orthodontic conference ., Indian Orthodontic Society,Davangere, Held at Bapuji Dental College Davangere on 17th to 21st November 2004
- Workshop on Adult Orthodontics: Where is the Limit? At the 39th Indian Orthodontic conference., Indian Orthodontic Society, Davangere, Held at Bapuji Dental College Davangere on 2004
- FDI Annual World Dental Congress, FDI Annual World Dental Congress,NewDelhi., Held at NewDelhi,India10-13 September 2004
- Ist National conference and Indian society of Prosthod-ontics and restorative –Periodontics conference,  Indian society of Prosthod-ontics., 30 -31 August 2008, Mangalore.
- 45th IOS Conference, IOS, Mangalore, 17th-19th December 2010.
- CDE Programme on Spectrum, IDA, Raichur Branch, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur on 23rd and 24th March 2013.
- CDE Programme and Workshop on Management of Severely Resorbed Mandibular Ridges :Conventional and Contemporary Approcahes, IDA, Bagalkot Branch, Held at BVV Sangha’s P.M.N.M. Dental College, Bagalkot on 26th August, 2013.
- CDE Programme on Periodontology and implantology., IDA,Raichur Branch,Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur on 15th March 2014.
- CDE Programme on JAW DROPPING Transformation., IDA,Raichur Branch,Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College,Raichur on 18th March 2014.
- CDE Programme on Dental Implants –From Speciality practice to General practice, IDA,Raichur Branch,Navodaya Dental College,Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College,Raichur on 23rd April 2014.
- CDE Programme on Biomechanics in Orthodontics and surgical orthodontics, IDA,Raichur Branch,Navodaya Dental College,Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College,Raichur on 19th June 2014.
- CDE Programme on Lasers Decoded in Dentistry., IDA,Raichur Branch,Navodaya Dental College,Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College,Raichur on 5 th September 2014.
- One day seminar on Research Methodology , Navodaya Education Trust, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Medical College,Raichur on 20th august 2015.
- Live surgical workshop on Microvascular Free Fibula Transfer for Mandibular Reconstruction, Navodaya Education Trust, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College,Raichur on 21st January  2016
- Orofacial pain – A clinical update, Navodaya Education Trust, Raichur, Held at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur on 15th March 2016
Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals etc.
- Life member of Indian Orthodontic Society, IOS LM: 1151
- Member of Indian Dental Association, IDA NO: ID95238

Dr. G Durga Prasad
- MDS from Raja Muthaiah Dental College, Chidambaram in the year 2007.
- BDS from AME’s Dental College, Raichur in the year 2001.
EXPERIENCE: (15yrs, 9months)
- Working as Professor at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Karnataka from 02nd January 2016 to till date
- Worked as Associate Professor from 02nd January 2011 to 01st January 2016 at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- Worked as Assistant Professor from 02nd January 2007 to 01st January 2011 at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Change in smiles – role of prosthodontist and implantologist.” A case series. Annals and essence of dentistry 2012;4(4):79-84.
- Temporomandibular disorders – Orthodontics – Cause or cure – A review. Annals and essence of dentistry 2012;4(4:)59-62.
- A comparative evaluation oof effects of different kinds of sterilizations on modulus of elasticity and surface topography of copper NiTi wires – An in vitro study. Annals and essence of dentistry 2012;4(3:)1-8.
- Assessment of female skeletal maturation by different radio graphic techniques.Clinical dentistry,Mumbai 2011; 5(7):38-44.
- Extraction and Non extraction- An overview. Annals and essence of dentistry
- A comparison of skeletal maturation assessed from mp3 and its correlation with dental maturation.
- Journal of Indian orthodontic society.oct- dec 2014;48(4)325-328
- A rare of the rarest: congenital agenesis of All permanent canines with other dental anomaly Int.J Dent Case Reports 2014;4(3): 19-24.
- Evaluation of Antimicrobial Property of an Orthodontic Adhesive Combined With Gluteraldehyde at Different Concentrations: an In Vitro Study. IJDSIR 2019;2(4):265-70.
- 9th Orthodontic Post Graduate Convention Indian Orthodontic Society, SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad. Held SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad, on 23rd -25th January,2005
- 10th Orthodontic Post Graduate Convention Indian Orthodontic Society, Vokkaligara Sangha Dental college & Hospital, Bangalore. Held at Vokkaligara Sangha Dental college & Hospital, Banglore ., on 26th -27th January,2006
- 23rd TamilNadu State Indian Dental Association Conference . TamilNadu State Indian Dental Association. Held at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital Annamalai University, 3rd & 4th Nov 2005
- 30th AP State Dental Conference AP Indian Dental Association. Held at Panineeya Institute Of Dental Sciences,Hyderabad,30th ,31st Oct & 1st Nov 2009
- 33rd AP State Dental Conference AP Indian Dental Association. Rayalaseema – Kurnool branch Held at G.Pulla Reddy Dental College &Hospital, Kurnool, 16th – 18th Nov 2012
- 1st Telangana State Dental Conference Indian Dental Association- Warangal branch Held at Jaya Engineering College, Warangal, 12th – 14th Oct 2014
- GVK Emergency management and research Institute Emergency Medicine Learning And Care – GVK EMRI Held at Navodaya Dental College 24/9/2009
- National Level CDE Programme Orientation Of Post Graduate Research – A Workshop NET- Department Of Public Health Dentistry Held at Navodaya Dental College 30th /09/2011
- CDE PROGRAMME: Implant radiology with live surgical demonstration & orthodontic- an overview Net Department Of Prosthodontics Held at Navodaya Dental College 21/10/2010
- CDE PROGRAMME: Management of pediatric maxillofacial trauma NET, Department Of Pedodontics. Held at Navodaya Dental College 14/11/2010
- CDE PROGRAMME: How To Conduct And Publish Research Net Department Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Held at Navodaya Dental College 24/11/2010
- CDE PROGRAMME: 3D Endodontic Net Department Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontic Held at Navodaya Dental College 17th/03/2012
- CDE PROGRAMME: Dental ceramics-an overview Net Department Of Prosthodontics Held at Navodaya Dental College 26th &27th march 2012
- CDE PROGRAMME: Sedation- is it a safe game??? NET, Department Of Pedodontics. Held at Navodaya Dental College 20th /09/ 2012
- CDE PROGRAMME: “Jaw Dropping”- Transformation – All You Want To Know Net Department Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Held at Navodaya Dental College 18th /03/ 2014
- CDE PROGRAMME: Toothy Colored Restoratives: What’s New And What’s True Dilsukhnagar Dental Surgeon’s Association Held at Hyderabad 25/05/2014
- CDE PROGRAMME: Prophylactic Removal Of Impacted Tooth, Minor Oral Surgical Procedures And Recent Advancements In Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery Net Department Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Held at Navodaya Dental College 31st /05/ 2014
- CDE PROGRAMME: Bio-Mechanics In Orthodontics And Surgical Orthodontics NET Department Of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics & Indian Dental Association- Raichur Branch Held at Navodaya Dental College 19th /06/ 2014
- CDE PROGRAMME: Smile solutions for everyday restorative dentistry Dept of conservative dentistry Held at AMES dental college 22nd /11/2014
- Member of IOS
- Member of IDA
- Member of DDA

Dr. Rakesh Kumar
- MDS from AME's Dental College & Hospital in the year 2007.
- BDS from KLE's Dental College, Raichur in the year 2002.
EXPERIENCE: (14 years 8Â months)
- Working as Professor at Navodaya Dental College from 11th October 2016 to till date
- Worked as Associate Professor from 11th October 2011 to 10th October 2016 at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- Worked as Assistant Professor from 10th October 2007 to 09th October 2011 at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
Details of participation in the following:
- University Examination
- Internal Evaluation
- Paper Setting
- Assessment of Home assignments
- Conduct of Examinations
- Evaluation of Dissertation etc.
- University Inspection
- DCI Inspection
- A disimpaction spring made easy for positioning the impacted maxillary canine –A case report. RGUHS J Dent. Sciences2011;3(3):48-50.
- Multidisciplinary approach in rehabilitation of partial anodontia – A case report. Deccan dental journal 2010 Sep- Dec: 55-58.
- Mandibular incisor extraction by Bolton discrepancy. Clinical dentistry, Mumbai 2012; 6(1):23-29.
- Medico-legal aspects of orthodontic treatment, and basic guidelines in clinical practice. RGUHS J Dent. Sciences 2011;3(4):102-110.
- Perception of in fixed orthodontic treatment. RGUHS J Dent. Sciences 2012;4(1):18-23.
- Prevalance and comparison of periodontic bacteria in aggressive and chronic periodontists patients – A microbiological study. RGUHS J Dent. Sciences 2012;4(2):34-40.
- Post resection physiotherapy and rehabilitation; using functionally moulded maxillary guide ramp. Annals and essence of dentistry 2011;3(1:)40-43.
- Skeletal maturity indicator seen in transverse section of the mandible.RGUHS J Dent. Sciences 2012;4(2):7-11.
- A Comparison of Skeletal Maturation assessed from MP3 and its correlation with dental maturation.
- A rare of the rarest : Congenital agenesis of all permanent canine with other dental anomaly. Int J Dent Case Reports 2014;4(3):19-24.
- Evaluation of Antimicrobial Property of an Orthodontic Adhesive Combined With Gluteraldehyde at Different Concentrations: an In Vitro Study. IJDSIR 2019;2(4):265-70.
- Name of the CDE /Seminar/ Conference/ Symposia Workshop, etc. Organization/Institution
- Attended 39th IOS Conference. IOS
- Attended 40th IOC IOS
- Hans on Course on Integrating Functional appliances with Fixed Mechanotherapy. KLE’S Dental College, Bangalore
- CDE Programme on Orthgnathic Surgery/Distraction Course. Department of Oral surgery R.V.Dental College,Bangalore,Karnataka
- CDE Programme at 41st IOS Conference. IOSAttended 41st IOS Conference. IOS
- CDE Programme at IDA, Raichur Branch
- CDE Programme IDA, Raichur Branch
- CDE Programme Department of Oral Surgery, Department of Orthodontics in Collaboration with AOMSI-AP Chapter and AP Orthodontic study group
- CDE Programme on Management of complete Denture in dental practice IDA,Raichur Branch
- CDE Programme on Current trends in esthetics IDA,Raichur Branch
- CDE Programme on Management of pediatric maxillofacial trauma IDA,Raichur Branch
- 38th Karnataka state Dental Conference IDA
- CDE Programme on How to Conduct and Publish Research IDA,Raichur Branch
- 45th IOS Conference. IOS
- Lecture on 3D Endodontics Department of Conservative,Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme on Dental Ceramics Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme IDA,Raichur Branch Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme IDA Raichur,Branch,Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- CDE Programme on Sedation is it a safe game? Navodaya Dental College,Raichur
- 33rd AP State Dental Conference IDA and G. PullaReddy Dental College, Kurnool,AP
- CDE Programme on Pediatric Dentistry simplified and Dental injuries in children IDA Raichur Branch
- CDE Programme IDA Raichur Branch
Memberships of Professional Bodies
- Member of IOS
- Indian Dental Association: IDA executive member & IDA President 2014-2015

- B.D.S from S B Patil College of Dental Sciences and Research, Bidar, Karnataka.
- M.D.S from Al Badar Dental College and Hospital Gulbarga Karnataka, India.
- Working as PROFESSOR at Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Worked as READER at Al Badar Dental College and Hospital, Kalaburgi
- Years of Experience  :      10.4 years
- College Topper in MDS Examination 2012
- Recognized PG Guide from R.G.U.H.S since 2016
- Completed Basic Education Methodology course
- Internal & External Examiner for UG & PG examination
- Academic Committee member of the college.
- Organized Orthodontic Camps and presented various awareness talks to help in improving department
- EC Member IDA, Kalaburgi Branch for the year 2019.
- Presented paper and poster in various Conferences
- Numerous National and International publications
- Article published in BMJ case reports was selected as one of the top 20 articles in the Domain of article
- Shopping for an Orthodontist, Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society: Vol 55, Issue 2, April 2021
- Midline deviation: Catch the , International journal of dental science and innovative research. vol 3, issue 2, Mar 2020,40-46.
- Predictability of ANB, Beta and YEN Angle as antero-posterior dysplasia indicators in Gulbarga population., Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society: 54(4) Oct 2020, 321-324
- Shear bond strength of metal and ceramic brackets using conventional acid etch/primer and self-etch primer, Journal of NTR University of Health Sciences Vol.8 Issue 2 Apr-Jun 2019
- Correlation of ANB, BETA and YEN Angle with soft tissue profile angle in Class I & Class II patients: A retrospective cephalometric study., RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences (Accepted Dec- 2019)
- Rapid Palatal expansion in a patient with cleft lip and palate, AMJ Orthod. Dentofacial 2017, 151,430
- Magical NiTi Expander, BMJ case report 2013, doi:10, 1136 Pg 1 to 7
- Posterior disc displacement in tempro mandibular joint, International Journal of Research and Review 7 Issue 2 Feb 2020
- Physio-therapeutical modalities in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders- a , Elixir dentistry 68 (2014) 22600 – 22603
- Mini and Micro esthetics in orthodontics., Jidas, Vol 5 1 Jan 2013
- Evaluation of mid-palatal suture ossification using Cone-beam computed tomography: A digital radiographic study., Acta Medica: 63(4):188-193, Dec 2020
- Reliability of panoramic radiography in assessing gonial angle compared to lateral cephalogram in adult patients with class I , Journal of India Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 2016, July-September 2016 Vol28, Issue 3.\
- The relationship between the roots and function of the maxillary first molar to the maxillary sinus: A cone- beam computed tomography , Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology Vol 30, Issue July-September 2018
- Salivary alterations in type I diabetes mellitus patients: salivary glucose could be non-invasive tool for monitoring diabetes , Indian Journal of Dental Research 25(4), 2014
- Evaluation of salivary albumin in diabetic children, Journal of NTR University of Health Sciences 2015, 4 (4) 253-256
- Pattern of anxiety and depression with associated factors in oral lichen planus: A questionnaire based study, RUHS Journal of Health Sciences Vol 4 Number 4, Oct-Dec 2019
- Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A boon for Maxillofacial Imaging, Journal of India Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology Aug 2017
- Computed Tomography – An Overview in Orofacial Diagnosis, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 5;Issue5; May 2015
- Aloe Vera and the Dentist, Malanadu Dental Journal. Vol 9,issue 4, oct-Dec 2020
- Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor of the Mandible., Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences 2015 Feb Vol 3 67-69
- Therapeutic extraction of Mandibular incisor in orthodontics- A review  , Indian J Stomatogy 2010: (4) 23-26
- Correlation of ANB, Beta and Yen angle with soft tissue profile angle in class I and class II patients: A retrospective study, RUHS Journal of Health Sciences Vol 11 , issue Number 2, page no- 22-28 July 2020

- B.D.S from Bapuji Dental College, Davangere.
- M.D.S from SDM Dental College, Dharwad.
EXPERIENCE: (Total – 9 years 6 months)
- Reader/Associate Professor at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 02.11.2016 to Till date
- Lecturer/Asst. Professor at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 02.11.2012 to 01.11.2016
- Facial Features and Iron Overload Detected in Buccal Smears of  Thalassemia Patient: A Case Report, International journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology, 2014, 10
- A study on nutritional status and tooth crown size among 6–9-year-old children: An observational cross-sectional study, Journal of forensic dental sciences, 2016, 5
- A Single Versatile Appliance for Habit Interception andCrossbite Correction, Case repot in dentistry, Volume 2015, Article id 607545, 5
- Nanosilver fluoride as a caries arresting agent: A narrative review, Contemporary pediatric dent 2021:2(1);1-13, 5
- Non-Syndromic Oligodontia in a Child - A Rare case, International journal of dentistry and oral sciences(IJDOS),2020 ISSN:2377-8075, 5
- Clinical Technique: Space Maintenance Following the Premature Loss of Primary Molars using Innovative Fixed Unilateral Space Maintainers (Smart Appliances), International journal of dentistry and oral sciences(IJDOS),2020 ISSN:2377-8075, 5
- Aesthetic Trends in Orthodontics, Journal of dental peers,July 2013, 5

Dr. Shreya Hunakunti
- B.D.S from HKE’s S Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Science, Gulbarga
- M.D.S from Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur, 1 year 7 months

Dr. B Mamatha
- M.D.S from AME’s Dental College, Research & Hospital, Raichur RGUHS, Karnataka in the year 2022
- B.D.S from AJ Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, RGUHS, Karnataka in the year 2018
- IBO Awareness Program PMNM Dental College, Bagalkot
- Medical emergencies in dental practice AME’s Dental College, Raichur
- Orthodontic planning in orthognathic surgery, AMEs Dental College, Raichur
- Diagnosis and Management of oral cancer, AME’s Dental College, Raichur
- Basic Research Methodology in Orthodontics Webinar by IOS and Centre for dental education and research, New Delhi
- TMD and its Management Webinar – Yenepoya dental college
- Damon Passive self ligating and Advansync 2 –class II corrector, KSR institute of dental sciences and research, Tiruchengode. Tamil Nadu
- PITTS 21 Al Badar Dental college, Kalaburgi
- Structured Clinical Orthodontic Review Webinar – Meenakshi Amma Dental college and hospital
- First Aid training AME’s Dental College Raichur
- Orthodontic preparation for orthognathic surgery Webinar – IOS
- Frictional resistance in orthodontic wires – Poster in Hassan
- Frictional resistance in orthodontic wires – Poster in IOS PG Convention, Hyderabad