Dr. Vajendra Joshi

Dr. Shilpa R T

Dr. Kiran Kumar K R

Dr. Md Iqbal

Dr. Malashree Ghatke

Dr Roopa

Principal & Professor
- M.D.S in SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in the year 1999
- B.D.S in S Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Science and Research under Gulbarga University in the year 1994
EXPERIENCE: 23 years
- Principal at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 2020 to till date
- Professor at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 2020 to till Date
- Worked as Principal & Dean at Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga from 2013 to 2020
- Worked as Vice-Principal at Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga from 2005 to 2013
- Worked as Professor & Head at Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga,from 2010 to 2020
- Worked as Professor at Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga from 2008 to 2010
- Worked as Associate Professor at Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga from 2006-2008
- Worked as Assistant Professor Al Badar Dental College, Gulbarga from 2000 to 2003
- Recognized PG Teacher from R.G.U.H.S and guided more than 20 students till date.
- Recipient of Guident award for most proactive senior academician for the year 2019 in the branch of Oral Medicine and Radiology.
- President IDA Gulbarga branch for the year 2019 & Awarded Best President award in Karnataka, also bagged two awards for IDA Kalburagi Branch.
- Board of Studies Member (PG Dental) of RGUHS from 2015 to 2018.
- Nominated to Board of Studies Member (PG Dental) in 2020.
- Worked as Secretary for College Scientific Committee, organized Scientific paper presentations & Scientific poster competition for students.
- Elected as Vice President of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Karnataka in 2021.
- Internal & External Examiner for R.G.U.H.S., N.T.R. University, Nasik University, KLE University and Pravara University for both UG & PG examinations.
- Discharged duties as Chief Superintendent for various Theory & Practical R.G.U.H.S. Examinations.
- Chief Superintendent of Post Graduate Practical Examinations of RGUHS.
- Chief Superintendent for KPSC Examinations (Government of Karnataka).
- Scientific Committee Co-Chairman 14th National Conference of IAOMR Hyderabad.
- Awarded as Best MDS Staff of the College for the year 2006-07.
- LIC Inspector of RGUHS of various Colleges in Karnataka.
- DCI Inspector of various Colleges throughout India.
- Chairperson for Scientific Session at National Level Conferences, Conventions and CDE Programs.
- Guest Speaker for various CDE Programmes.
- Chairman of Institutional Ethics Committee of MR Medical College, Gulbarga, for the year 2016-2017.
- Chairman of Institutional Ethics Committee of KBN Medical College, Gulbarga, from 2017-2020.
- Awarded by Rotary Club Sun City, Gulbarga for contribution in teaching arena.
- Organizing Chairman for various CDE Programs, Workshops & Mini Conferences.
- Viral infection and Dentistry – 18th Sept 2010
- Orthodontic Oral beyond – 26th Feb 2011
- Implants Today – 28th April 2011
- Perio Synergy 15th Dec 2014
- Rotary Endodontics 3rd Sept 2015
- Esthetic Dentistry 10th Oct 2015
- CDE on Medical Emergencies 30th March 2019
- Dentist Mega Meet – 22nd & 23rd Oct 2019
- Composites A to Z – 5th March 2020
- Opportunities and challenges for dental professionals overseas-21/01/2021
- Receny perspectives in oral cancer and premalignant lesions- 04/02/2021
- Facial esthetics -06/02/2021
- Celebrating a girl child and sustainable reuaeable menstrual alternatives : On Women's Day-08/03/2021
- Impact of tobacco on health and pharmacology-31/05/2021
- Happy mind and happy life: with yoga-06/06/2021
- Life skills and stress management -15/06/2021
- Yogasana to overcome current hassle situations-21/06/2021
- Organized E-Poster competition for students all over Karnataka on No Tobacco Day- 31/05/2021
- Elected Organizing Secretary for 48th Karnataka State IDA Conference.
- Karnataka State IDA EC Member for the year 2020.
- Trained in CBCT & NNT software.
- Organized various rallies on No Tobacco Day and Cancer Day over the years.
- Indian Society of Periodontology awarded best IDA Branch to Kalburagi Branch for organizing Oral Hygiene Day Programme during my tenure as President 2019.
- Chief Co-Ordinator for NAAC at Navodaya Dental College & Hospital, Raichur.
- Have various National and International Scientific Publications
- A digitalradiographic study. Acta Medi 2020-Pubmed Facial space odontogenic infections: Ultrsonicgraphy as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging. World Journal of Clinical Cases 2021-Pubmed
- Relationship between roots and function of maxillary first molar to the maxillary sinus.A cone beam computed tomography study. Journal of Indian academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology-COPUS
- Cemento Ossifying Fibroma of the jaw, BMJ 2016;10.1136:1-4
- Magical NiTi expander. BMJ case reports Doi:10.1136/bcr 1 of 4 – 201
- Bifid Mandibular Condyle – A case report – BMJ Case report 2012, 10:1136
- Velar Morphological variants in oral submucous fibrosis: A Comparative Digital Cephalometric Study, IJDR;2017:28(6):623-628
- Salivary alterations in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients: Salivary glucose could be noninvasive tool for monitoring diabetes mellitus. IJDR: 2014: 25(4), 420-424
- Persistent Radiographic cone cuts: A simple test to avoid the frustrating problem, IJDR, 2014;25(4):539-540
- Evaluation of midpalatal suture ossification using cone-beam computed tomography: International Journal of Scientific research (Accepted July 2020)
- Midline deviation: catch the match: International journal of science and innovative research: vol 3, issue 2, Mar 2020,40-46.
- Correlation of ANB, BETA, YEN angle with soft tissue profile angle in class I and class II patients: A retrospective cephalometric study: RGUHS journal of dental sciences. (accepted Dec 2019)
- Posterior disc displacement in temporomandibular joint: International journal of research and review; vol 7, issue 2, Feb 2020.
- Evaluation of design parameter of eight dental implant designs: A two-dimensional finite element analysis – Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice – Apr-Jun 2012:15(2): 176-181
- Sound waves for unsound Entities: An Electronic Search Study to Evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of USG in cysts and tumors of maxillofacial region, JCDP 2013;14(4):586-589
- Prediction of osteoporosis using dental radiographs and age in females. Journal of Mid Life Health 2015;6(2):70-75
- The relationship between the roots and furcation of maxillary first molar to maxillary sinus: A cone beam computed tomography study: J Indian Acad Oral Med Radial, 2018:30; 260-264
- Logicon: A Third Eye for Caries Detection, J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol, 2018;30(4): 380-384
- Cone beam computed tomography: A boon for Maxillofacial Imaging. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol, Jan – Mar 2017: 29(1):30-34.
- Reliability of OPG in assessing gonial angle compared to lateral cephalogram in adult patients with Class I malocclusion, J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol, Jul-Sep 2016;28(3):252-255
- Age related changes of salivary IgA among healthy subjects, J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol,2015;27(2):203-206
- Prevalence of Temporomandibular joint disorders in outpatients at Al-Badar Rural Dental College & Hospital, and its relationship to age, gender, occlusion, and psychological factors- J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol, Oct-Dec 2012;24(4):261-268
- A correlative study of smokeless tobacco – induced lesion and smoke –induced leukoplakia in various aspects. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol, April – June 2011; 23(2): 86-91
- Congenital Double lips – A case report J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol Vol. 13, No.1, Jan-Mar 2002:22-23
- Has undergone C.T. & M.R.I. Training Center Hubli in the year 1999.
- Has undergone Clinical Postings at Cancer Centre (KCTRI Navanagar Hubli) for Radiotherapy.
- Presented a case report of Fibro Sarcoma at 10th National Conference IAOMR Mangalore.
- Guest Lecture at TMJ update on 11th September 2013.
- Guest Lecture at Medical Emergencies on 30th March 2019.
- Central ossifying fibroma of maxilla – A case report, IAOMR National PG Convention at Mathura.
- To evaluate the efficiency of computer aided software for the detection of proximal caries in comparison with conventional radiograph – 21st National Conference IAOMR at Indore.
- Angiomatosis of jaw bones - A case report, National PG convention at Nellur.
- Sound waves for unsound entities – OOO. Hyderabad.
- Oral appliances for TMJ disorders - 21st National Conference IAOMR at Indore.
- Cone beam computed tomography in dentistry – 21st National Conference IAOMR at Indore.
- Physiotherapeutic modalities in the treatment of TMJ disorders – Poster at Belgaum at PG Convention 2012. Awarded as best Poster.
- Effect of OSMF on Eustachian tube function – A Tympanometric study – 1st Prize for Paper Presentation at Lucknow (National Conference – 2013).
- Various age estimation methods briefly - 2nd Prize for Poster Presentation at Lucknow (National Conference – 2013).
- Aloe vera The Wonder Plant 2nd Prize for Poster Presentation at Lucknow (National Conference – 2013).
- Dental stem cells – A companion towards healthy tomorrow – Consolation prize at Mangalore (National Conference 2014).
- A case report of Trecher – Collin Syndrome student’s conference IDA 2000.
- A case report of Ectodermal Dysphasia 2007 IDA Conference.
- Obesity & Periodontium 2008 IDA Conf.

Dr. Vajendra Joshi
Professor & HOD
- Ph.D at SHOWA UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN in the year 2019.
- M.D.S in R. V Dental College under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in the year 2007
- B.D.S at A.M.E. DENTAL COLLEGE, RAICHUR under Gulbarga University in the year 1998
EXPERIENCE: 15 years
- Professor & HOD at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, from 18.06.2016 to Till date,
- Reader/Associate Professor, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, from 18.06.2011 to 17.06.2016
- Lecturer/Asst. Professor, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, from 18.06.2007 to 17.6.2011
- Elongated styloid process-A Radiographic study.. 2007,19:04,498-502. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology.
- Comparative study between cervical vertebrae and hand-wrist Maturation for the assessment of skeletal age, Rev. ClinPesqOdontol, curutiba.
- Bilateral fusion of mandibular primary incisors- A case report, International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology.
- Cemento-ossifying Fibroma of the maxilla- A Case Report. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences.
- Surgical management of nasopalatine duct cyst- A case report. v-.6, N-1, P-81-86, Rev. ClinPesqOdontol.
- Evaluation of prevalence and characteristics of ponticulusposticus among japeneseadults;a comparative study between CBCT imagining and lateral cephalogram.
- Skeletal Maturity assessment with the use of cone-beam computerized tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
- Exposure time reduction of secondary radiographs used in digital subtraction radiography in detecting intrabony changes.Oral Radiology
- Multiple myeloma presenting with a maxillary lesion as a first sign, Imaging Science In Dentistry 2015; 45: 55-60.
- Dermatoglyphics in patients with oral potentially malignant diseases and oral cancer, Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology
- A colossal complex odontoma with notable presentation, International Journal of Students' Research.
- A rare case of Glandular Odontogenic Cyst with a brief review of Literature, International Journal Of Case Reports, 2019.
- Predictive Accuracy of mandibular Ramus flexure as a morphologic indicator for gender determination: A Radiographic study, International Journal of Forensic Odontology 2021:6;13-6.
- Knowledge and ability to manage medical emergencies among dental students. Journal of oral Medicine ,Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology , 2021; 7(3):161-166.
- Biostatics & Ethical aspects of Research, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, 25th&26thAug. 2004, Attended
- JV National Triple 0 symposium & PG Convention, V. Dental College, Bangalore, 14th & 15Th Aug. 2004, Attended
- Hands on course in Dental digital imaging, Govt dental college, Bangalore, 28th Feb, lst Mar 2005, Attended
- Workshop on Oral health Care & HIV/AIDS, V. Dental College, Bangalore, 10th, 11th, 12th Mar 2005, Attended
- Seminar on Intellectual property rights – patents , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 10th October 2022, Attended
- Seminar on Intellectual property rights – copyrights , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 28th September 2022, Attended
- Webinar on Life first TCC training programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 20th Jan 2022, Attended
- Webinar on Personality development programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th June 2021, Attended
- CDE on Trends in head and neck oncology, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 13th November 2019, Attended
- CDE on facial Plastic surgery, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 26thjuly 2019, Attended
- Workshop on dental age estimation by radiological and histological methods., Navodaya Dental college and hospital, Raichur, 25thjan 2019, Attended
- Seminar on Scientific use of experimental animals in research , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th December 2018, Attended
- CDE and workshop on Sialendoscopy and sleep surgery , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 12th November 2018, Attended
- Zonal conference - NAVODENTICON , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 31st October 2018, Attended
- Orthodontic awareness programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 22nd October 2018, Attended,
- CDE programme on Revascularisation and regenerative strategies in endodontics., Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 1st August 2018, Attended
- CDE on An insight to oral pigmentation , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 2018, Attended,
- CDE programme on What after BDS? Much beyond dentistry ., Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 25thjune 2018 , Attended,
- Clinical applications of CBCT in implant dentistry, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 26thoct 2017, Attended
- Micro vascular free fibula transfer for mandibular reconstruction, Navodaya dental college, Raichur Jan 21 2016, Attended,
- Workshop on “Research methodology”, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur on 20 Aug 2015, Attended,
- National level workshop on CBCT Imaging, Navodaya dental college, Raichur on 7thmar2014, Attended
- Advanced Head & Neck Imaging, V.Dentalcollege, Bangalore 11thnov 2013 , Attended
- Recent updates in Oral Medicine and Radiology, PMNM Dental College, Bagalkot I5th Mar 2013, Attended
- XXXIII AP State Dental conference, Kurnool, 16th & 18th Nov 2012, Attended
- Sedation-Is it as a fe game?, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, 20th sep2012, Attended
- Diagnostic dilemma sin Scientific research, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, 15th Sep 2012, Attended
- Early detection of Oral cancer, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, 12th June 2012, Attended
- An evidence based approach in Oral Implantalogy, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur 17th Jan 2012, Attended
- Oral system IC connection – Emerging trends &An overview of forensic dentistry, AME Dental college, Raichur 16thoct2012, Attended
- How to conduct & publish Research?, Navodaya dental college, Raichur 24th Nov2010, Attended
- Management of Pediatric Maxillo facial trauma, Navodaya dental college, Raichur 14th Nov 2010, Attended
- Implant radiology with live surgical demonstration & Orthodontic – an overview, Navodaya Dental college, Raichur 21st Oct 2010, Attended
- Aesthetic Dentistry-Changing trends, B. Patil dental college, Bidar 1st & 2nd Oct 2010, Attended
- Current trends in Aesthetics, AME Dental college, Raichur 21st feb 2010, Attended
- Management of complete dentures in dental practice, Navodaya dental college, Raichur 1st nov 2009, Attended
- Workshop on Resuscitation skills, Navodaya dental college, Raichur 23rd Sep 2009, Attended
- Incorporating Dental implants in everyday practice, IMA Hall, Raichur 18th Jun 2008, Attended
- Styloid process in evaluation of elongated styloid process in OPGs paper presented at XV11 NATIONAL IAOMR CONFERENCE AT SHARAD PAWAR DENTAL COLLEGE,WARDA ON 6,7,8TH JAN 2006
- A Comparative Study Between Cervical Vertebrea And Hand Wrist Maturatyion For Assessment Of Skeletal Age In The XIX NATIONAL IAOMR CONFERENCE AT CHENNAI
- Unveiling of what lies beneanth an ultrasonographic study at NATIONAL CONFERENCE XVIII , BANGALORE DECEMBER 2006
- At VI National Triple O Symposium and PG Convention on 14 AND 15TH AUGUST 2004, RV DENTAL COLLEGE, BANGALORE
- Diagnostic imaging of an aymptomatic massive oral hemangioma ;A case report AT 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DENTO MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY MAY 25 TH -29TH 2011 AT Hiroshima
- Poster presentation on diagnostic aids in early detection of oral pre cancer and cancer at ALL INDIA PG STUENTS SEMINAR AT SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE , CHENNAI
- National IAOMR-LIFE Member
- The International Association of Dento Maxilla Facial Radiology-Member
- Karnataka State Dental Council- Member

Dr. Shilpa R T
- B.D.S at HKE’S DENTAL COLLEGE Under RGUHS University in the year 2006
- Working as Reader at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur.
- Knowledge and ability to manage medical emergencies among dental students. Journal of oral Medicine , Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology , 2021; 7(3):161-166.
- Predictive Accuracy of mandibular Ramus flexure as a morphologic indicator for gender determination: A Radiographic study, International Journal of Forensic Odontology 2021:6;13-6.
- A rare case of Glandular Odontogenic Cyst with a brief review of Literature, International Journal Of Case Reports, 2019
- Dermatoglyphics in patients with oral potentially malignant diseases and oral cancer, Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology 2017
- A colossal complex odontoma with notable presentation, International Journal of Students' Research.2017
- Multiple supernumerary teeth in non syndromic patients – Report of two cases. Deccan Dental journal .Jul-Aug 2009,25-27.
- Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome: A case report with review of literature. Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Science, Feb 2014,Vol 2, No 1, pp-105-108.
- Cleidocranial dysplasia with typical familial pattern and review of literature. Indian Journal Of Dental Research and Review. Apr-Sep 2012, 44-46.
- Actinic chelitis with a familial pattern: An unusual case. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Jan –Mar 2014, Vol 26, Issue 1,107-110.
- Squamous cell carcinomaof submandibular salivary gland: A rare case report. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Vol 18, Issue 2, May –Aug 2014.
- Leukoplakia – Review of A Potentially Malignant Disorder. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reaserch 2014 Aug,Vol-8(8), ZE01-ZE04.
- Multiple myeloma presenting with a maxillary lesion as a first sign, Imaging Science In Dentistry 2015; 45: 55-60.
- Leukoplakia Review of a potentially malignant disorder.Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2014 August, volume 8(8), ze01-ze04.
- Multiple Myeloma presenting with maxillary lesion as the first sign. Imaging Science In Dentistry. 2015:45;55-60.
- Multiple supernumerary teeth in non syndromic patients- report of two cases. Deccan Dental Journal, july- aug 2009, 25-27
- Multiple Myeloma presenting with maxillary lesion as the first sign. Imaging Science In Dentistry. 2015:45;55-60.
- Multiple supernumerary teeth in non syndromic patients- report of two cases. Deccan Dental Journal, july- aug 2009, 25-27
- Cleidocranial dysplasia with typical familial pattern and review of literature.Indian Journal of Dental Research and Review
- Squamous cell carcinoma of submandibular salivary gland..Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology. Vol 18, issue 2, may-aug 2015.
- Papillon-lefevre syndrome: A case report with review of literature. Indian Journal of Mednodent & Allied Sciences. Vol-2, Number-1, Feb 2014.105-108
- Actinic cheilitis with familial pattern: An unusual case. Journal of Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine & Radiology. Jan –march 2014, vol- 26, issue 1.
- Dermatoglyphics in patients with oral potentially malignant diseases and oral cancer. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. September 2017, vol-29, Issue 3
- Navodenticon 2018, Navodaya dental college
- “Cone beam CT imaging” Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Faculty development programme, RGUHS” Homeopathic Medical Hospital and College Kalburgi
- Research methodology” Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Current Opinions in the Management of Biofilm and Periodontal Diseases”Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Live Surgical Workshop on Micro Vascular Free Fibula Transfer for Mandibular Reconstruction”. Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Orofacial pain ,clinical update” Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- “Basics in dental practice” (CDE and Workshop) Navodaya Dental College, Raichur
- Continuing dental education programme,A.M.E ‘s Dental College,Raichur “Back to basics” (CDE and Workshop) Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- “Types of modalities in seeking grants for research activities" Navodaya medical college,Raichur “Orientation in Students Assessment Practice.” Navodaya Dental College, Raichur.
- Planting smiles: transitional implants. PM Nadagouda memorial dental college and hospital Bagalkot (CDE and Workshop) Bagalkot Oral hygiene day. Navodaya dental college
- Stem cell revisited and potentially malignant disorders a note on metastasis A.M.E.Dental college Raichur
- Pulp therapy modalities in primary teeth. Navodaya dental college RaichurWhat after B.D.S. Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Empowering teachers as educators.NET Pharmacy college Raichur Revascularization and regenerative strategies in endodontic. Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Face to face ,advances in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Navodaya dental college Raichur
- CDE lecture and Live Video Programme 2018 Perio – Convene Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Digital smile designing. Navodaya dental college Raichur Orthodontic awareness programme Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Sialendoscopy and sleep surgery Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Advances in orthodontic lecture series 2 Navodaya dental college Raichur
- Anti-ragging workshop organizing Navodaya dental college Raichur
- POSTER PRESESNTATION - Hereditary Ectodermal Dysplasia-report of 3 cases held at Post Graduate Seminar on 4th and 5th July 2009 at U P dental college,
- PAPRE PRESENTATION - Conventional dental radiology “Role of Oral Radiologist in Health care team” held at 20th National Conference IOAMR,Narayana dental college ,Nellore on 13th and 14thdec 2008.
- POSTER PRESENTATION – Cleidocranial Dysplasia showing familial pattern held at National IAOMR PG convention at KD dental college, Mathura on 1st and 2nd august 2009.
- POSTER PRESENTED – TMJ and musculuoskeletal disorders held at National Post Graduate Symposium at M MCOLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES , Mullana, Ambala on 21st And 22nd July 2007.
- POSTER PRESENTATION - A Rare Case Of OronasalMyiasis In Leprosy Patient held at National Triple ‘O’ symposium held at KLE Institiute of Dental sciences, Belgaumon 4th and 5th July 2008.
- LIFE MEMBER- Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine And Radiology

Dr. Kiran Kumar K R
- B.D.S - Bapuji Dental College, Davanagere, RGUHS, Dec 2004
- M.D.S - Government Dental College, Bangalore, RGUHS, May 2010.
- Working as a Professor at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Karnataka, from 05/07/2019 to 30/10/2022, (3yrs 03 months, 27 days)
- Worked as a Reader at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Karnataka, from 05.07.2014 to 04.07.2019 (5yrs)
- Worked as a Sr Lecturer at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Karnataka, from 13.10.2012 to 04.07.2014 (1yr, 8months, 23days).
- Worked as a Sr Lecturer at Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam, Kerala from 01.07.2010 to 10.10.2012 (2yrs, 3months, 10 days).
- Knowledge and ability to manage medical emergencies among dental students. Journal of Oral Medicine , Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology.2021
- Predictive Accuracy of mandibular Ramus flexure as a morphologic indicator for gender determination: A Radiographic study, International Journal of Forensic Odontology 2021.
- A rare case of Glandular Odontogenic Cyst with a brief review of Literature, International Journal Of Case Reports, 2019.
- Dermatoglyphics in patients with oral potentially malignant diseases and oral cancer, Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology: 2017
- A colossal complex odontoma with notable presentation, International Journal of Students' Research.
- Multiple myeloma presenting with a maxillary lesion as a first sign, Imaging Science In Dentistry 2015;
- Odontoameloblastoma-A Diagnostic dilemma for maxillofacial radiologist .Int.J.Odontostomatol 2013
- Mural unicysticamloblastoma crossing the midline : A rare case report ..Int.J.Odontostomatol 2012.
- Pyknodysostosis ;A rare case report with review of literature imaging Sci Dent.2011
- Cliedocranial Dysplasia – Unearthing the treasure .JSM Clinical case report 2014;
- Neurofibromatosis type 1with oral manifestations. e-journal of dentistry 2012
- Oral submucous Fibrosis and Iron deficiency anaemia relationship revisited-results from an indianstudy : e-J Dentistry. 2012
- Burning mouth syndrome: A review. Kerala Dent J .2011
- Craniofacial PolyostoticFibrous Dysplasia –A case report. J Pierre FauchardAcad 2009
- Webinar on Life first TCC training programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 20thjan 2022, Attended
- Webinar on Personality development programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th June 2021, Attended
- CDE on Trends in head and neck oncology, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 13th November 2019, Attended
- CDE on facial Plastic surgery, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 26thjuly 2019, Attended
- Workshop on Dental Age estimation by Radiological and Histological methods., Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 25thjan 2019, Attended
- Seminar on Scientific use of experimental animals in research , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th December 2018, Attended
- CDE and workshop on Sialendoscopy and sleep surgery , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 12th November 2018, Attended
- Zonal conference - NAVODENTICON , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 31st October 2018, Attended
- Orthodontic awareness programme, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 22nd October 2018, Attended
- CDE programme on Revascularisation and regenerative strategies in endodontics, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 1st August 2018, Attended
- CDE on An insight to oral pigmentation , Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 2018, Attended
- CDE programme on What after BDS ?Much beyond dentistry ., Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 25thjune 2018 , Attended
- Clinical applications of CBCT in implant dentistry, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 26thoct 2017, Attended
- Orofacial pain- A clinical update, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th march 2016, Attended
- Back to Basics, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 17thjune 2016, Attended
- Current opinions in the management of bio films and periodontal diseases, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 19thjan 2016, Attended
- Micro vascular free fibula transfer for mandibular reconstruction, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, Jan 21st 2016, Attended
- Worshop on “Research methodology”, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur 20th Aug 2015, Attended
- NationallevelworkshoponCBCTImaging, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur 7thMar2014, Attended
- CDE on periodontal medicine, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 15th March 2014, Attended
- CDE on diagnostic oral pathology, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 31staug 2013, Attended
- CDE on Resuscitation Skills and Basic Life Support, Navodaya dental college and hospital, Raichur, 28th – 29th May 2014, Attended
- National level workshop on CBCT -Imaging, Navodaya Dental college, Raichur, 7th Mar 2014, Conducted and attended
- “The Diagnostic applications of Saliva” XIX National Conference of IAOMR, Chennai, India Dt.21-23rd Dec 2007
- “Lasers in the management of Oral lichen planus” Dentistry-2008, IDRR Bangalore, India, Dt. 26-27th July 2008
- “Craniofacial poly ostotic Fibrous dysplasia” XX National Conference of IAOMR, Nellore, India Dt.13-14th Dec 2008
- “ PET –CT in Head and Neck Imaging” National P.G. Convention, Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka Dt. 27-29th Sept 2007
- “Use of PET –CT in Oral Cancer” National CDEProgramme, Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur,A.P.India.Dt.26-27th July 2009
- BharatShikshaRatan Award 1stoct 2021 Global Society for health and educational growth
- First prize in quiz at National level CDE Programme in oral medicine and Radiology held on 27th and 28th July .2009 At Sibar institute of dental science, Guntur, A.P
- Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine And Radiology- LIFE MEMBER-
- Indian Dental Assossiation- MEMBER
- Karnataka State Dental Council- Member.

Dr. Md Iqbal
- B.D.S - AME’s Dental College, Raichur, RGUHS in the year Jan 2002
- M.D.S - PM Nadagowda Memorial Dental College & Hospital, Bagalkot, RGUHS in the year Oct 2014.
- Working as Lecturer/Asst. Professor, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from 09-03-2021 to Till date (4 years)

Dr. Malashree Ghatke
- B.D.S - AME’s Dental College, Raichur, RGUHS in the year Jan 2017.
- M.D.S - AME’s Dental College, Raichur, RGUHS in the year 2022.
- Working as a Lecturer/Asst. Professor at Navodaya dental college, Raichur from 17-08-2022 to Till date (4 years)
- Topper in 3rd year BDS at AMEs Dental College.
- Best paper award at National IAOMR PG convention 2019 held on 23rd and 24th August.
- A rare occurrenceof Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenictumour in a young female, Journal of natural science, Biologyandmeicine, July2022, vol 12; issue 2.
- Post Covid 19 Vaccination Symptoms In Oral Cavity. A Survey Based Study. Indian Journal of Applied Research. May 2022-Vol 12, Issue 05.

Dr Roopa
- BDS - HKEs SN dental college , Gulbarga, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences - Jan 2006
- Working as a Tutor in Navodaya Dental College