The presentation was an Original Research on the topic, “Effects of salt water mouthwash on oral microbial flora of patients with and without dental caries undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment”. This research was carried out in the Department of Orthodontics, Navodaya Dental College on the patients visiting the department for orthodontic treatment. The presentation highlighted to the audience that salt water mouthwash, which is a simple, inexpensive and easy to prepare mouthwash can help maintain salivary microbial flora during the course of orthodontic treatment and prevent dental caries.
20, Dec 2024
Dr Chandrika G Katti, Professor, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Navodaya Dental College, was a Invited Guest Speaker at 58th Indian Orthodontic Conference, held at Clarks Exotica, Bengaluru from 20th to 22nd Sept 2024.