As per the DCI circular, Anti Ragging Week was observed from 12th August to 18th August, 2024. Orientation day was conducted on 12th August, 2024. Principal gave orientation to 1st year BDS students. It was attended by all staffs, Anti Ragging Committee and senior students. Essay competition was held on 14th August, 2024 for 1st year and senior students regarding ragging. Anti Ragging Workshop was organized by NDC Raichur on 20th August, 2024.
For this anti-ragging workshop event, the guest speaker, Dr. Nagraj Gadwal, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Raichur Special Officer spoke about prevention of ragging. Chief guest Dr. Devanand, NMC Principal spoke about consequences of ragging. This function was presided by Dr. Girish Katti, Principal, NDC Raichur. Lawyer Phanindra spoke about legal consequences of ragging. All staff, antiragging committee members, hostel wardens, senior students attended the function.
Principal sir given orientation on anti-ragging for students which was conducted on 12th august 2024

Essay competition was conducted for students on anti-ragging on 14th august 2024

Anti-ragging awareness program was conducted on 20th august 2024. DR. NAGARAJ GADWAL was the guest speaker for this program.