Dr. Chitra Chakravarthy

Dr.Shivaraj S. Wagdargi

Dr. Santosh Kumar. M

Dr. Manjula. V

Dr. Thousif Ahmed


Dr. Neelesh .G

Dr. Chitra Chakravarthy
Professor & Head
- MDS from MCODS, Manipal in the year 1999.
- BDS from MCODS, Mangalore in the year 1997.
- Professor & Head at Navodaya Dental College, Raichur from Jan 2010 to till date
- Associate Professor at Narayana Dental College, Nellore from 2007 to 2010
- Associate Professor at AME’ s Dental College from 2006 to 2007
- Associate Professor at Damesh Institution of Research & Dental Science Faridkot from 2003 to 2006
- Assistant professor at DeshBhagat Dental college and hospital, Muktsar from 2002 to 2003
- Assistant professor at National Dental college and hospital Derabassi from 2001 to 2002
- Senior Lecturer at Bapuji Dental College and hospital, Davangere from 1999 to 2001
- Large maxillary cystic lesion causes nasal obstruction: a case report". Ida journal clinical dentistry june2012: vol.6, issue 6, 23-26state journal [5],
- Osteomyelitis of supraorbital ridge. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery-ap2012 state journal [5].
- A rare case report of psammomatoid type juvenile ossifying fibroma of mandible. Annals of maxillofac surg. January - june 2013; volume 3. Issue 1. 59-63. Pubmednational [15]. 2013.
- Compound odontomas in anterior mandible: a rare case report. Njirm 2013 vol.4 (4) july-aug. 140-44. National [15].
- management of asthma patient in dental office: deccan dental journalsept, journal [2.5]. 2010.
- Surgical management of pleomorphic adenoma: a case report. Iejdtr (indo-european journal of dental therapy and research) 2016; 5(1):339-341. National [2.5]. 2016 .
- Sailolithiasis –a report of two cases and review:. Jemd(journal of evaluation medical & dental science) 2016; issue 9, vol.5:393-395. National [2.5].2016.
- Metastatic thyroid carcinoma presenting as hypervascular lesion of mandible case report and review of literature. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery-2009. 2009
- Chondroblastic osteosarcoma of maxilla; a case report and review of literature. Assosciation of oral & maxillofacial surgery-2009. 2009.
- Central ossifying fibroma of mandible – a case report. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery.
- Reconstruction of floor of the orbit using myoosseous coronoid flap- a case report. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery.
- Double lip and pathogenicity – a case report. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery.2012.
- Orofacial infections and their microbiological profile –our experience. Journal of dental sciences dec 2011/vol 3/issue 4.2011.
- Cutaneous sinuses of cervicofacial region; clinical study of 200 cases. Journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery.2012.
- Submental / transmylohyoid route for endotracheal intubation in maxillofacial surgical procedures. Journal of oral health dec 2014/vol 6/issue 3.2014.
- Comparative study of clinical efficacy of lycopene and curcumin in treatment of oral and submucous fibrosis using ultrasonography. Journal of oral health dec 2016;8(6):687-691.2016.
- Congenital epulis in new born review of literature and report of a case ultrasonography . Journal of oral health dec 2016;8(5):687-691.2016.
- Fabrication of patient specific genioplasty surgical template using investment casting , biology and medicine. Omics international.2017.
- Post ankylotic deformity correction using extended operative 3d printed model – a preliminary study. Journal of bio-innovation.2018.
- 3d printed surgical guides in orthognatic surgery – a pathway to positive surgical outcomes, springer- lecture notes in computational vision and biomechanics. Ismac.2017.
- Mandibular repositioning appliance following re-section crossing the midline – a 3d printed guide, 2018
- A simplified digital workflow for the treatment of pediatric mandibular fracture using 3d printed cap splint a case report. Cmtro thieme ejournals.2019.
- A comparative study- preoperative intralesional injection of dexamethasone vs. Normal saline for lower third molar surgery. International journal of scientific research. Volume-10,issue-09,september-2021,issn no. 2277-8179.
- Comparison of anaesthetic efficacy of inferior alveolar, gow-gates and vazinani-akinosi technique in dentoalveolar surgery. National journal of integrated research in medicine. Mar/apr 2021. Volume 12, issue 2, p 33-36, 6p.
- Comparative efficacy of lag screw and 3d plate in fixation of symphysis and parasymphysis fracture of mandible- a prospective interventional study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, sep 2022, vol 16, issue 9, p 30-35, 6p.
- Customised 3d printed guides for mandibular fracture management- a report of two cases. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. Jan 2023, vol 17, issue 1, p 1-4, 4p.
- Choice of oral and maxillofacial surgery as a specialization and career path: an undergraduate perspective. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 22 june 2022.
- Cast metal surgical guides: an affordable adjunct to oral and maxillofacial surgery. Journal indexing and metrics. November 2, 2020.
- Comparative evaluation of hybrid 3d-printed models versus cadaveric animal jaws: a student’s perspective. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 2022 sep;21(3):1044-1051.
- Comparison of conventional radiography with cbct in assessment of relationship of root apex of third molar to ian canal. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 20(suppl 1), 1-278(2021). 09 march 2022
- Advantages of 3d printing in diagnosis and treatment planning of maxillofacial trauma. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 20(suppl 1), 1-278(2021). 09 march 2022.
- OMFS “ Art Of Reconstructing The Face”,2022 at Navodaya dental college & hospital,Raichur.
- Maxillofacial Trauma – A cruise from diagnosis to treatment, 2020
- Face to Face – Advances in oral and maxillofacial surgery (CDE) Navodaya Dental College & Hospital,Raichur
- Orientation to post graduate research- A workshop: Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- How to conduct and publish research (CDE ) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Distraction Osteogenesis Navodaya dental College & Hospital, Raichur
- Microvascular Free Fibula Transfer For Mandibular Reconstruction Navodaya Dental College & Hospital, Navodaya dental college & hospital, Raichur
- Guest speaker at 6th International workshop of master course on Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Surgeries, MGM Institute of Health Sciences Mumbai.2014
- Guest Speaker at 14th BERND – SPIESSL SYMPOSIUM, Innovation meets Art at Basel, Switzerland, 2018
- Keynote lecture at Telengana 3rd State AOMSI Conference, 2017
- Guest lecture at zonal CDE program Sept 2011at SVS institute of dental sciences
- Guest speaker in CDE program at A.M.E’s Dental College and hospital,Raichur
- Guest speaker Masterclass 2018 Bhuvaneshwar
- Guest speaker 11th annual conference Aug 2018 AP state Tirupati
- Keynote speaker at NIT Warangal engineering college on medical applications of 3d printing
- Panel discussion on ameloblastoma at 5th annual conference of AOMSI Telangana state conference MNR Sanga reddy
- Guest lecture on ‘Practice with Precautions-Post Covid Era’ at CDE in association with G. Pulla Reddy Dental College and Hospital,2021
- Speaker for case discussion on the topic ‘Clinical Expertise in management of swelling of head and neck.’ At Synergy club,2018
- Faculty to AO CMF Online Masters Course - Mastering the nose, Advanced Midface Concepts,2020
- Resource Person – AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy Online Advanced FDP on “3D Printing & Design” at NIT Warangal 2021
- Chairperson/moderator at scientific session 43rd annual conference of AOMSI- Indo Japan OMS conference Oct 2018
- Organizing Committee Member for 37th AOMSI Annual Conference, Hyderabad
- Chairperson – Scientific session of 45th Annual Conference of AOMSI,Mangaluru 2021
- Chairperson in the scientific sessions during 1st AOMSI Telangana State Conference held at Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hopital and Research Institute, Hyderabad
- Judge for scientific posters 37th annual conference AOMSI national conference
- Certificate of Excellene in Reviewing – Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 2021
- Author of textbook of OMFS by Paras publication used in many dental colleges in India
- Author of Handbook of Dental Instruments by Paras Publication
- Visiting Scholar at Stanford Hospital, California, USA and RUSH Hospital, Chicago, USA
- Performed unique patient surgeries using latest technologies such as 3d printing in maxillofacial surgery
- Guided implant surgery full mouth rehabilitation performed first time in Raichur.
- Examiner during virtual masterclass 2021-VIVA
- Completed a course on rehabilitation with zygomatic implants 2022
- Back to basics Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital-
- Management of Complete Dentures in Dental Practice (CDE) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- Implant radiology with live surgical demonstration & orthodontic- An overview: Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital- ,Raichur
- Management of pediatric maxillofacial trauma Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- How to conduct and publish research (CDE ) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- Digital photography in dentistry and building up of career as a dentist & role of general dentist in the field of orthodontics (CDE) – Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- Orientation to post graduate research- A workshop: Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- Oral systemic connection and an overview of forensic dentistry (CDE): A.M.E’S Dental College & Hospital,Raichur
- 3D Endodontics: (CDE) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- An Evidence Based Approach In Oral Implantology (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital- RAICHUR (KARNATAKA) ,Raichur
- Dental ceramics- an overview (CDE) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Resuscitation skills & basic life support (CDE) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Early detection of oral cancer: approach, protocols and guidelines (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Diagnostic dilemmas & Scientific research (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Sedation: is it a safe game? (CDE): – Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Spectrum (CDE- Indian Dental Association & Navodaya Dental college & Hospital, Raichur
- 43rd annual AOMSI national conference ,Chennai, Chennai trade center
- 5th annual conference of AOMSI Telangana state conference MNR college Sanga Reddy
- AOCMF focused seminar-Principles in orbital fundamentals.
- Digital photography in dentistry and building up of career as a dentist & role of general dentist in the field of orthodontics (CDE) – Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- An Evidence Based Approach In Oral Implantology (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital,Raichur
- Resuscitation skills & basic life support (CDE) Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Early detection of oral cancer: approach, protocols and guidelines (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Diagnostic dilemmas & Scientific research (CDE): Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Sedation: is it a safe game? (CDE): – Net’s Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur
- Spectrum (CDE- Indian Dental Association & Navodaya Dental college & Hospital,Raichur
- Member of AOMSI

Dr.Shivaraj S. Wagdargi
- B.D.S – KLE Dental College and Hospital and Research Institute Belgaum 2004
- M.D.S – Bapuji Dental College and Hospital Davangere 2007
- Professor – Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur. 07/07/2016-till date.
- Reader – Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur. 02/07/2012-06/07/2016
- Reader – College Of Dental Sciences, Amargadh,Gujarat. 01/07/2011-25/06/2012
- Tutor - College Of Dental Sciences, Amargadh,Gujarat. 10/02/2009-30/06/2011
- Tutor - Maharastra Institute Of Dental Science, Latur. 25/06/2007-07/02/2009

Dr. Santosh Kumar. M
- M.D.S in AL-BADAR Dental college and Hospital under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in the year 2012
- B.D.S in HKE’S Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Science and research centre under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in the year 2006.
EXPERIENCE : 9 years 11 Months
- Professor at Navodaya Dental College and Hospital Raichur Karnataka from August 2022 to till date
- Worked as Reader at HKDET’S Dental College and Hospital Humnabad Karnataka from Jan 2020 to July 2022
- Worked as Reader at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur Karnataka from Nov 2016 to Dec 2019
- Worked as Assistant Prof at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur Karnataka from June 2014 to Nov 2016
- Worked as Assistant Prof at HKDET’S Dental College and Hospital Humnabad Karnataka from Nov 2012 to June 2014
- Evaluation of Role of Antiplatelet Therapy on Bleeding after dental extraction Journal of International oral health 2017
- An assessment of factors influencing the difficulty in third molar surgery Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 2020
- Comparative clinicoradiographical evaluation of effect of aminobisphophonate(Sodium aldronate) on peri implant bone status:Controlled clinical trial Journal of international society of preventive and community dentistry 2016
- Evaluation of the efficacy of platelet rich plasma and platelet rich fibrin in alveolar defects after removal of impacted bilateral mandibular third molars Journal of international society of preventive and community dentistry 2016
- Expression of CD105 in tumor angiogenesis a comparative study (Ameloblastoma, Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor and Dentigerous cyst) Journal of International oral health 2015
- Risk of bleeding in patients with cardiovascular disease on aspirin undergoing tooth extraction J Dental specialities 2015
- Serum and salivary sialic acid and L fucose as prognostic markers in potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer Unique Journal of medical and dental sciences 2014
- The surgical management of oro-antral fistula by modified rehrmanns flap Indian journal of dental education 2012
- Knowledge, practice and attitude regarding novel corona virus disease among dental students and interns in HKDET’S dental college and hospital International journal of scientific research 2022
- Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19 in population of north Karnataka region : A cross sectional study International journal of dental science and clinical research 2022.
- Scientific paper presentation on Unilateral TMJ Ankylosis management with inter positional arthroplasty using Temporalis myofascial flap at 1st Hyderabad Karnataka dental conference.
- E poster presentation on Anchored Phenomenon at 1st annual conference of Karnataka state chapter of AOMSI.
- Free paper presentation on Extraction of teeth without stopping daily low dose aspirin therapy at 36th annual conference of association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in india.
- Implant Dentistry – An ever advancing landscape held at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2017
- CDE Programme by Department of OMFS held at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2016
- Basic course in Educational methodology AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2019
- Temporomandibular joint – decoded AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2018
- Facial aesthetics held at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2018
- Stem cell revisited and potentially malignant disorders – a note on metastasis held at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2018
- NAVODENTICON 18 held at Navodaya Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2018
- Orientation of student assessment practices at AME’S Dental College and Hospital Raichur 2017

Dr. Manjula. V
- Reader in Navodaya dental college and hospital from 29/08/2022 till date
- Reader in kgfcds and hospital from15/3/2022 to 26/08/2022
- Senior lecturer in kgf cds from 05/02/2018 to 14/03/2022
- Senior lecturer in NHDC and hospital from 15/09/2017 to 31/01/2018
- Dental health officer in SNR distick hospital kolar from 17/08/2020 to 31/03/2022
- Junior Resident KIIMS koppal from 28/02/2017 to 01/08/2013
- Junior Resident SDUMC kolar from 14/05/01/08/2013
- Tutor in vydhei institute of dental sciences and hospital from 16/12/2009 to 19/ 05/ 2010
- Tutor in kgf cds from 16/05/2006 to 02 /04 2009
- Comparative evaluation of efficacy and latency of twinmixvs 2.% lignocaine HCL with 1;80000
- Epinephrine in surgical removal of impacted mandibular 3rd molar-pubmed index in feb 282020
- Evaluation ofbleeding during tooth extraction in patients using anti platelets using anti platelet. An original study – pub med index in march 20022
- Tissue expansion in oral and maxilosurgery –review article – IJHS in April 2015 2022
- A comparative odontome within dentigerous cyst – IJHS Iin aprils 15 2022

Dr. Thousif Ahmed
- M.D.S. in. Navodaya Dental College & Hospital Under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Sciences in the year 2018
- B.D.S in HKDET Dental College & Hospital Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Sciences in the year 2013
Experience: 1 yearSenior lecturer at Navodaya Dental College & Hospital, Raichur from 2021 to 2022Publication:
- Evaluation of bone lengthening following alveolar distraction Osteogenesis- a clinical study -international journal of scientific research- 2022
Scientific paper presentation:
- Evaluation of efficacy of transcrestal sinus lift procedure without grafting material -AOMSI CONFERENCE, Chandigarh, 2017
Memberships of professional bodies
- Association of oral & maxillofacial surgeons of India
- Indian dental association

- M.D.S in Panineeya Mahavidyalaya Institute of Dental Sciences and Research center Hyderabad, Under Kaloji Narayana Rao University of health sciences Telangana in the year 2019.
- B.D.S in Kamineni Institute Narketpally, Under Dr NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh in the year 2012.
- Working as Senior Lecturer in Navodaya dental college Raichur From march 2021 to till date
- Knowledge,Awareness, Attitude of Dental Surgeons of Hyderabad on Covid-19 Pandemic - 2020
- 3D printing in dentistry – Exploring the new horizon - 2020.
- IInd AOMSI- Telangana state conference Nizamabad 2016.
- 3rd Telangana State Dental Conference Nalgonda
- Workshop on “Basic Life Support and Airway Management Sunshine Hospitals, Hyderabad
- 21st Mid term Conference and 7th PostGraduate Student Convention Chandigarh
- 14th Basic Surgical Skills workshop at Aakar Asha Hospital Hyderabad
- 2nd Structured India International O.R.G Course Hyderabad 2017.
- IIIrd AOMSI- Telangana state conference Vikarabad
- Workshop on Digital Dental Photography Hyderabad
- AOCMF Seminar Advances in Management of Orbital Injuries and Reconstruction Hyderabad 2018.
- CDE Programme on TMJ Arthrocentesis and Condylar hyperplasia Hyderabad 2018.
- Course on Cosmetology Chennai 2018.
- 43rd AOMSI Conference and 1st Indo-Japan OMS Conference Chennai
- Workshop on Orthognathic 3D Surgical Planning Chennai
- Cryotherapy – As a minimally invasive treatment of Intraoral Hemangiomas in 21st Mid term Conference and 7th PostGraduate Student Convention, Chandigarh 2017.
- Neurilemmoma of Infratemporal fossa – A case report in III rd AOMSI- Telangana state conference, Vikarabad
- Life threatening bleeding caused by Arterio-Venous malformation of Maxillary artery in AP AOMSI Vijayawada

Dr. Neelesh .G
- M.D.S in Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College And Research institute, Bengaluru, under Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Bengaluru in year July 2022.
- B.D.S in SDM College Of dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, under Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Bengaluru in year 2019.
EXPERIENCE: 1 month 15 days
- Working as senior lecturer in Navodaya Dental College and hospital, Raichur.
- 44th Karnataka State & 3rd Interstate Dental Conference, Hubballi from 08-12-2016 to 11-12-2016.
- Attended international congress on oral implantology held on 9th and 10th July 2019 at Bengaluru.
- Correction of post traumatic facial deformity at SDM craniofacial surgery and research centre, Dharwad on 21 June 2019.
- 1st Indo Japan collaborative symposium by SASOMI on 5th feb 2020 at NIMHANS.
- Live surgical workshop ORAL CANCER FOR ALL on 31st august 2019 at Yenepoya, Mangalore.
- GRB bootcamp optimizing regenerative outcomes using resorbable material, conducted by Dr TV Narayan and Dr Tarun kumar on 27th march 2022.
- Laser symposium on lasers with live demo held on 14th December 2019 at GDCRI Bengaluru.
- Laser symposium by novolase on 5th may 2022 at GDCRI Bengaluru.