The ContinuedDental Education program on topic TOBACCO DE-ADDICTION was conducted at AV hall, CentralLibrary,NET on 31st may 2024 at 2.30 PM.The program was organized by the Department of Public Health Dentistry and NSS unit of NavodayaDental College.Dr.SureshBabu A M Prof and HOD, department of Public Health Dentistry welcomed the gathering and gave a brief introduction of World No Tobacco Day. The presidential address was given by Dr.GirishKatti,Principal ,Navodaya Dental College and he spoke about how children are influenced by the tobacco industry. The guest speaker of the event was Dr.UmeshAchary MD, Psychiatry, Senior Resident, Navodaya Medical College.He explained about the various forms of tobacco,Statistics of tobacco usage and elaborated various methods to quit tobacco habit and treatment protocols.The target group was 3rd B.D.S, 4th B.D.S students and Interns of Navodaya Dental College. Interaction and discussion was there at the end of the session. In this program around 108participants registered online. All the registeredparticipants were provided with an online certificate with Karnataka State Dental Council credit point of 2.The program concluded with tea and snacks
31, May 2024