On 06-06-2024, a CDE Program was conducted by Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology inocknowledgen1ent of Hypertension awareness month. This program was led by presence of chiefguest Dr. T Srinivas, Registrar, NET, presided by Dr. Girish Katti, Principal, NOC and guestspeaker Dr. Pravcen R Badri , MBBS MD (General Medicine), Associate Professor NMCH.The Program was inaugurated by lamp lighting ceremony, followed by welcome speech byDr. Malashri Ghatke. Introduction of guest speaker was given by Dr. Shilpa Thai.The program was delivered through lecture followed by interactive discussion between Guestspeaker and participants. Dr. Praveen R Badri, an expert in Hypertension led the session~ensuring engagement and interaction among participants. He successfully enhanced ability toidentify patients at risk of hypertension, preventive measures, management and initiateappropriate referrals. I-le addressed the critical need for dental professional to the knowledgeableabout hypertension and importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in health care. Total of 120students were participated in the programme. An exceptional presentation was given by Dr.Praveen R Badri which was followed by inspirational speech by chief guest Dr. T Srinivas,Registrar, NET and Dr. Girish Katti, Principal, NOC specifying the importance of such event forknowledge gathering and future implication.The event was a great success, pooling knowledge which was brought to a halt by vote ofthanks by Dr. K.iran Kumar K R.The programme was ended by felicitation of the emanate guest speaker Dr. Praveen R Badri,and fol lowed by high tea.
06, Jun 2024